1. Do violent or inappropriate video games, movies, or TV shows trigger violent or inappropriate behavior in children?
2. Underage children are required by the state of California to attend school, but there are some who believe school attendance should be voluntary. What are your thoughts?
3. Should companies advertise and market goods to children? Take into account the article: 'Bestseller in MidEast: Barbie with a Prayer Mat,' when developing your statement. Also consider the profits made by Disney in marketing the movie, Frozen, as well as merchandise which has generated over two billion dollars for the company.
4. Our first amendment right protects us as people from Congress possibly passing a law that might infringe on my freedom of speech or of the press, so should their be a limitation on freedom of speech, or should I have total freedom to say what I feel?
5. Is television better than reading books?
6. Define what it means to be an American?
7. The New England Patriots were accused of deflating the football in the AFC Championship Game win against the Indianapolis Colts, and supposedly an attendant or ball boy may have had some impact on the deflation. Should Tom Brady, as having had the final say on his choice of game balls, have taken responsibility for the deflated balls?
8. There is a lot of research out there on the benefits of animals and their caregivers. Some individuals suggest that schools would benefit from opening their doors to having more pets at school. Should schools have therapy dogs and pets at school?
9. Should citizens of the United States of America be fined for not exercising their right to vote?
10. Should high school students be expected to pass a citizenship exam, a battery of basic test questions covering topics on the Constitution, ones rights as an individual, symbology of the country, and basic historical facts about the founders and contributors of the United States of America, in order to graduate from high school?
2. Underage children are required by the state of California to attend school, but there are some who believe school attendance should be voluntary. What are your thoughts?
3. Should companies advertise and market goods to children? Take into account the article: 'Bestseller in MidEast: Barbie with a Prayer Mat,' when developing your statement. Also consider the profits made by Disney in marketing the movie, Frozen, as well as merchandise which has generated over two billion dollars for the company.
4. Our first amendment right protects us as people from Congress possibly passing a law that might infringe on my freedom of speech or of the press, so should their be a limitation on freedom of speech, or should I have total freedom to say what I feel?
5. Is television better than reading books?
6. Define what it means to be an American?
7. The New England Patriots were accused of deflating the football in the AFC Championship Game win against the Indianapolis Colts, and supposedly an attendant or ball boy may have had some impact on the deflation. Should Tom Brady, as having had the final say on his choice of game balls, have taken responsibility for the deflated balls?
8. There is a lot of research out there on the benefits of animals and their caregivers. Some individuals suggest that schools would benefit from opening their doors to having more pets at school. Should schools have therapy dogs and pets at school?
9. Should citizens of the United States of America be fined for not exercising their right to vote?
10. Should high school students be expected to pass a citizenship exam, a battery of basic test questions covering topics on the Constitution, ones rights as an individual, symbology of the country, and basic historical facts about the founders and contributors of the United States of America, in order to graduate from high school?
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Socratic Seminarmrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Class Submarine
6th Grade Practice
- Welcome to the Hoot Novel Unit! This Unit meets these Common Core Standards: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.7 Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they 'see' and 'hear' when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen.
- This course content is offered under a Public Domain license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.