Employer Mediation Programs

If you are bringing a charge of employment discrimination at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, you're likelyto settle the dispute through mediation set up by the Commission. Here's how it works. (To learn more about discrimination claims, check out the Discrimination and Harassment topic area.

  1. Oklahoma Mediation Program
  2. King County Mediation Program
  3. Nevada Mediation Program

The Employee Mediation Program was developed in the spring of 1998 out of a response by the City Manager and Department Directors to provide employees a means to resolve conflicts in the workplace. It began as a training program by a professional mediator and involved trainee representatives from every city department. Mediation Program It is the policy of the State of Tennessee to encourage the use of mediation as a valuable tool for state employees to resolve workplace issues. Mediation is a process. Under the new 'referral back' mediation pilot, which will be carried out at the district office level, employers that have internal dispute resolution programs that meet specific criteria may. Managers Must Intervene in Conflict Resolution Organization leaders are responsible for creating a work environment that enables people to thrive. If turf wars, disagreements, and differences of opinion escalate into interpersonal conflict, you must intervene immediately with conflict resolution mediation.

What ismediation?

Mediationis a method of settling a dispute. Inmediation, a neutral third party (the mediator) meets together with the parties,encourages them to communicate their concerns, and works with them to create anagreement that will end the conflict.

What is EEOCmediation?

TheEqual Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) created a mediation program inthe early 1990’s that has since become one of the largest and most successful disputeresolution programs in the United States. EEOC mediation enables parties to settle a charge of discriminationwithout engaging in a lengthy investigation or going to court.

What is theprocess of setting up an EEOC mediation session?

Thousandsof charges are filed with the EEOC each year. Of these, the EEOC selects some as suitable for mediation. The EEOC Mediation Unit contacts the chargingparty and the respondent (the employer) to ask if they wish to engage inmediation. If both parties agree, theEEOC schedules a mutually convenient date for the mediation. If one of the parties declines to mediate,the charge is sent to the EEOC Investigation Unit.

Why should I mediatemy EEOC charge?

Theremay be many good reasons to engage in EEOC mediation. The program is “free, quick, voluntary andconfidential.” Participants do notsacrifice their rights by mediating: If the case does not settle, the charge istreated just like any other charge of discrimination filed with theEEOC. The mediator can help the parties create their own positive outcomes. A high percentage of EEOC mediations are successful, and participants frequentlyreport their satisfaction with the EEOC’s mediation process.

What happens atthe EEOC mediation session?

Atthe start of the mediation session, a trained mediator explains the mediationprocess and then asks the employee to explain why he or she filed a charge and whathe or she hopes to accomplish. The employer likewiseshares its perspective of the dispute and its goals for the mediationsession. The mediator will then try to helpthe participants overcome their differences and encourage them to work togetherto arrive at a mutually acceptable agreement that will resolve their dispute. Ifthe mediation is successful, the settlement agreement will have the same forceas a court’s judgment.

How is mediationdifferent from going to court?

Inmediation, the participants, rather than a judge or jury, decide the outcome ofthe matter. The mediator does not reviewthe evidence to determine who will prevail, and the mediator has no authority to impose a resolution on the parties. Instead of one party winning and one party losing, in mediation the agreementis typically a compromise, and may even be a “win-win” solution that gives bothparties some or all of what they want. Additionally, lawsuits are time-consuming andcan be stressful. Mediation, whichtypically lasts a day, cuts short the amount of time needed to resolve a case,and participants frequently report how productive and even healing mediationcan be. Whereas court processes focus on the past, mediation focuses oncreating a positive future. Moreover,trials are public and may even be reported in the media, whereas mediation isprivate and confidential.

What is EEOC Conciliation?

EEOCConciliation occurs after an EEOC investigator has reviewed the evidence andfound “reasonable cause” to believe the employer has engaged in illegaldiscrimination or harassment. During theconciliation process, the EEOC will explain why it concluded that the employer mayhave violated the law and will try to reach a settlement with the employer. The EEOC may also encourage the employee’sassistance in helping to settle the case. The employer is free to accept or reject the settlement offer. A successful conciliation may result in theemployer agreeing to change its practices to conform to the law and to remedyharm caused to the employee. Ifconciliation is unsuccessful, the EEOC will either bring a lawsuit on behalf ofthe employee or issue the employee a “right to sue” letter, which permits theemployee to file a civil lawsuit. To learn more about the right to sue letter, see our article, Right to Sue Letter from the EEOC.

Since 2001, MedWorks Corporate Meditation Programs has specialized in bringing the many scientifically-proven, stress-reducing benefits of meditation and mindfulness to thousands of employees at over 100 companies in the Boston area.

In light of the pandemic, ALL classes are currently available ONLINE via video conferencing using Zoom, Skype, Teams, Webex, etc.

'The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and everyone felt that this was one of the best employee benefits our firm has ever offered.'

Harriet Blanc, former Director of Human Resources Wolf Greenfield

'MedWorks does a monthly meditation program here that is very popular.'

Employer Mediation Programs

Ron Bartkiewicz, Health Promotion Manager Reebok International Ltd.

'Fifteen minutes of meditation made me able to do hours worth of work.'

'It was very effective at providing practical skills to use in the moment to reduce stress.'

Alicia Szendiuch, Managing Director of Global Industries Corporate Banking Bank of America Securities LLC

'I recently had emergency laser surgery to my eye with no anesthetic. Fortunately I learned how to meditate at work through MedWorks, and I was able to remain totally relaxed through the ordeal.'

'...when I went to see my doctor afterwards my blood pressure had dropped 20 points. He asked me what I was doing differently and I told him it was because of one thing: meditation.'

Oklahoma Mediation Program

The overall goal of our meditation classes is to help participants:

Reduce stress.

Increase mental concentration, clarity and awareness.

Enhance productivity, effectiveness and communication in the workplace.

Navigate tense situations with less explosive behavior patterns.

Expand work/life/family balancing skills.

Improve overall health and well-being.

King County Mediation Program

All classes are taught onsite and in-person within a 90-minute drive of Boston.

Classes are also available online via video conferencing using Zoom, Skype, Teams, Webex, etc.

In-person sessions are conducted on-site at each client company’s offices at times that do not conflict with employees’ daily work schedules – typically before regular office hours, during lunchtime, or at the end of the day.

The in-person classes are held in a quiet conference room with participants sitting in chairs and wearing normal clothing.

Nevada Mediation Program

The meditation and mindfulness techniques that we teach are non-religious and not based on the teachings of any particular group or philosophy. They are accessible to all and easy to practice. Our broad experience has shown us that every person connects to meditation differently – what works for one person may not work for another. That is why we teach a variety of meditation and mindfulness techniques so that everyone can find at least one that works for them. This dramatically increases the likelihood that your employees will use the techniques on a daily basis, and thus be able to experience the far-reaching benefits of meditation in their work and home life.