Assessment Of Student Learning

Assessment of student learning templateStudent

Assessment is a process of gathering information for a specific purpose. Colleges and universities use the term assessment of student learning when information on student learning is gathered, evaluated. Direct assessment is the most effective form of assessment when you are measuring a single learning outcome, objective, or goal. This type of assessment gives you the most clear, compelling, and actionable information when determining, for example, how well your students are developing their writing skills, abilities to reflect critically,. The overarching focus across system units is a motto of Students First and Assurance of Student Learning. All CSN campuses, units, services, and programs contribute to institutional effectiveness by participating in a regular system of assessment planning and reporting of data collected through direct and indirect measures of student learning.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) Assessment

Creating and assessing program learning outcomes provides valuable data that can help faculty, students, and stakeholders understand what students are learning, and how that learning develops over time. This site provides the necessary material to help departments and programs as they create assessment plans. This site also provides data on student achievement and evidence of the outcomes of departmental PLO assessment research.

UCSB Departments and Programs start here

Assessment grants to financially support assessment work

How teachers assess student learning

Current data on General Education program assessment


For assistance in departmental PLO assessment plans, contact Josh Kuntzman, Assessment Coordinator

Current data on student achievement and Inventory of Educational Effectivness Indicators

Why Assess Student Learning

For questions about UC Santa Barbara’s assessment efforts or WSCUC Accreditation, contact Linda Adler-Kassner, Accreditation Liason Officer